Q: First off, where are you from and what is your role in the fitness world?
A: I am from Surrey, just south of London. I am an online trainer and fitness competitor
Q: How did you get your start?
A: I initially had a background with weight training from playing rugby, that then developed into a passion with weight lifting.
Q: What advice do you have for somebody just starting out?
A: Get as educated as possible, find a coach to teach you how to train and eat. This will save you vast amounts of time and speed up your progress. Ultimately staying consistent is the key.
Q: How has your workout routine changed over the years?
A: Initially I used to be a high volume trainer. Now I focus on max intensity and lower volume work trying to progressively overload. This means that I am constantly looking to get stronger and improve my athletic performance in every session.
Q: What are your favorite new fitness trends?
A: I tend to prefer an old school approach. I am not a fan of the new hype of doing lots of light isolation work.
Q: What is a typical workout like for you?
A: 12-14 sets, starting with heavy compound movements and then moving into rest-pause sets and muscle rounds.
Q: Do you ever have days where you feel like just sitting on the couch eating chips and watching Netflix?
A: Yes, everyone has those points. This is why being disciplined is more important than being motivated.
Q: Which gym do you attend?
A: Physique Warehouse in West Molesey and Kings Gym in Croydon.
Q: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
A: With the best possible physique. I can build whilst helping my clients along the way!
Remember to follow Charlie @johnsoncharles197