How to Sustain Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution

Plan Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution It’s almost that time of year again! The time of year when everyone vows to hit the gym more, eat right, and put their phone down more often. Setting a resolution is sometimes for naught but can often inspire real change. When it comes to setting a resolution, what […]

Your Guide to a Great Holiday Workout

Maintain Muscle Mass & Tone Over the Holiday When you think about the holidays, what comes to mind? Some of our biggest associations with the holiday season have to do with food and drinking, from Halloween candy to a Thanksgiving spread. Not to mention Christmas cookies, latkes, and eggnog! While celebrating with friends and family […]

Transform Your Workouts: Trap Bar Deadlift vs. Barbell Deadlift – Guide to Trap Bar Deadlifts

Have you ever felt intimidated by the conventional barbell deadlift? You’re not alone! The trap bar deadlift offers a fantastic alternative, packing a powerful punch for your posterior chain while reducing stress on your knees. This guide dives into trap bar deadlifts, exploring their unique benefits and how they can transform your workouts. Get ready […]

12 Gift Ideas for Fitness Enthusiasts

Whether for a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or “just because,” plenty of gifts exist for the fitness enthusiast who lives for a great workout!  We have compiled a list of 12 items that will impress even the most refined fitness palate out there. If you have a gym junkie in your life, then you know that […]

Leg Exercises for Wrestlers: Building Strength, Power, and Endurance

When it comes to wrestling, leg strength is paramount. The sport requires explosive movements, balance, endurance, and the ability to outmuscle opponents in tight situations. Whether you’re a seasoned wrestler or just beginning, improving your leg strength can give you the edge on the mat.  This article will focus on leg exercises to enhance wrestling […]

How Deadlifts Change Your Body: What to expect from this workout

You probably know that deadlifts are a popular exercise among fitness buffs. However, maybe you’re wondering whether they’re worth the hype and if deadlifts are right for you. If so, you’ve come to the right place!  We’re here to introduce you to all things deadlift: how to do one, what muscles you’ll work, how they […]

Deadlifts vs Squats: Comparing the Two Exercises

Should you prioritize deadlifts or squats in your workout routine? While we recommend incorporating both in your training, it may be better to focus on one based on your training goals and needs. In this article, we’re comparing a deadlift vs squat to help you understand what each exercise targets–and how you can use both […]