Jason Lipp

Jason is a full-time Personal Trainer. He studied at the National Personal Training Institute of Columbus where he earned an NPTI accredited personal training certification after completing 600 hours of fitness related schooling and practical examination, including NASM and NSCA certifications, Sports specific training, TRX instruction and XGT Fitness coaching. He has been interested and involved in the fitness world since training for sports in high school. Jason has placed in numerous body transformation contests including a second place finish in the 2011 Labrada Lean Body Challenge. Most recently, Jason has added ‘Coach’ to his title as he was named Strength & Conditioning coach to the Celina High School Football, Wrestling & Girls Athletic teams. His main goal is helping others become better versions of themselves.

What has been your biggest success story as a trainer?
I’ve had a few… the top 3 would be:
1. Helping lead my local high school football team from last place to State finalist in only 2 seasons.
2. Helping a few niche clients reach their dream of competing and placing in a bodybuilding/bikini competition.
3. Helping numerous clients in general transform themselves and become better versions of themselves!

Favorite cheat meal?
Pizza & ice cream.

What’s the weirdest thing in your gym bag?
Probably a hair trimmer lol.

What’s your perfect rest day?
Just relaxing with a good movie or tv show, or going for a nice walk outside.

Who’s your favorite athlete?
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson!

Favorite cartoon growing up?
A tie between He-Man, Transformers & GI Joe.

You’re a pro wrestler in the 80’s, what’s your name?
Jason Sensation

Who wins in a fight, The Rock or Jackie Chan?
The Rock, duh!

Would you still want a million dollars if you could only spend it in nickels?
Oh probably not very many, those things fill me up, ugh!

How many donuts can you eat in one sitting?
I can eat a legit half of dozen donuts before I’m completely miserable.

Do you believe in Bigfoot?
No, but Aliens yes!

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate cardio?
High intensity type cardio, a 10. However, I love just going for a long walk outside on a nice day.

High reps or high weight – which do you prefer?
I like higher weight, but all rep ranges have their worth.

Do you lift for aesthetics or for strength?
Mostly aesthetics. I say, if you look like you can lift a house, who cares if you actually can?

Do you prefer plates & weights or ropes & balls?
Plates and weights, 100%!

What motivates you?
My clients. I feel as a trainer I have a responsibility to be at a certain level of fitness. If I want my clients to succeed, they have to trust in what I tell them to do. If I don’t practice what I preach then they are less likely to trust what I say. They inspire and motivate me to be my best.