Dalyce Radtke

First and foremost, Dalyce is a 60-year-old wife and mom of seven. Raising seven kids has taught her invaluable time management and multitasking skills, which she’s channeled into simplifying exercises for maximum enjoyment and results.

With over 30 years of experience as a Certified Personal Trainer and instructor, she is dedicated to creating simple, effective home workouts. She offers simple, convenient workouts that can be done in under 20 minutes, helping you find a movement routine that fits your life and goals, ensuring you feel and look your absolute best!

Her focus is on helping women aged 40 and above embrace their aging journey with strength and confidence. Sharing her 30+ years of knowledge and experience with women is her passion. Dalyce’s mission is to inspire and uplift women, showing them that achieving fitness goals, even with limited time, is entirely achievable.

What has been your biggest success story as a trainer?
Sarah once felt too insecure to step into a gym, fearing judgment and feeling out of place. After starting one-on-one sessions with me, she gradually built confidence and strength. Joining a small group, she found a supportive community that encouraged her growth.

Now, Sarah is a regular at the gym and even competes in physical competitions. Her journey from avoiding gyms to thriving in them shows the power of perseverance and self-belief.

What’s your perfect rest day?
Perfect rest day is attending church with my family, and sipping coffee while sitting outdoors on a patio and having no schedule.

Who’s your favorite athlete?
My favorite athlete is our 15 year old son. Watching him play hockey brings me a lot of joy!

You’re a pro wrestler in the 80’s, what’s your name?
Dallas Storm

How many donuts can you eat in one sitting?
If they are donut holes (my favorite), a dozen easy!

Do you believe in Bigfoot?

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you hate cardio?
Actually, a 1!

High reps or high weight – which do you prefer?
I prefer both depending on the exercise.

Do you lift for aesthetics or for strength?
I would be lying if I said only strength. I’m vain and love the way strength training shapes the body, haha.

Do you prefer plates & weights or ropes & balls?
Plates and weights.

What drives you?
Maintaining my quality of life as I age, and continuing to feel as good as I do now.